How do I reinstall my site? Print

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If you have an active CommunityBuilderSite and need to reinstall follow the below steps as accordingly.

  1. Log on Virtualmin, as described in you welcome e-mail
  2. Select the right domain (if you have more that one in your account)
  3. Choose "Install Scripts" on the left menu
  4. Click "Installed Scripts" if not already selected
  5. Select the web application you would like to uninstall (jphCommunity or Joomla for example)
  6. Click on the "Un-Install Selected Scripts" button
  7. After a few seconds, your web application will be uninstalled.
  8. Choose "Install Scripts" on the left menu if not already selected
  9. Click "Available Scripts" if not already selected
  10. Select the web application you would like to install (jphCommunity or Joomla for example)
  11. Click on the "Show Install Option" button
  12. If you would like to install in the root folder of your web site, make sure you choose / and leave other parameters as default.
  13. Click on "Install Now".

After a few seconds, your web application will be installed. You can login with your Virtualmin username and password.

It is possible to install a web Application in a sub folder it you need. The url to access it will be www.domain.tld/installation_folder

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